The advantages and application of open type cable tray, the following small for you to explain:
First of all, the open grid cable tray all cable Gengen visible, can the quality of comprehensive control wiring project, after the event of failure, can quickly identify problems and take corresponding measures to cable;
Second, open the tray allows the wire from any point, can be very convenient and cabinet, rack connected, and can arbitrarily change the outlet point; ordinary slot must be at the outlet point drilling, and not change;
其三,开放式电缆桥架在机房中运用起来很方便,因为机房中线缆的移动、增减和变更十分频繁,而且经常升级扩建。如果是采用线槽,两个桥架连接的地方,每一接口少8颗螺丝螺帽,多则1 6颗,要想进行任何更改都必须把先拧螺丝螺帽,取下盖板;改装完成后又必须把盖板再安装回去。卡博菲网格式电缆桥架则是完全开放的结构,可以直接进行线缆的各种变化。使用线槽还有一个大麻烦就是各种弯头、三通、四通、变径、标高变化等等过渡部分都需要仔细测量后去工厂特殊定制,而所有这些过渡部分都在工地现场直接裁剪加工即成,任何一个安装工人通过一个十分钟的简单培训即可掌握裁剪加工的方法。
Third, open type cable tray in the machine room use is very convenient, because the room in the movement of the cable, or change very frequently, and often upgrade and expansion. If you are using trough, two bridge connection place, each interface at least 8 screws nuts, more than 16, in order to make any changes must first put the screw nut, remove the cover; after the modification must be installed back cover. Kabofi grid cable tray is structure completely open, all kinds of changes can be directly used for cable. Go to the factory use special custom slot and a big trouble is all kinds of elbow, three links, four links, reducing the elevation changes and so on the transition part of the need to carefully measure, and all of these are part of the transition at the site directly cut into, any one of the installation workers through a simple training to ten minutes master cutting method.
Welcome to call for more product information, sincerely look forward to your choice of our products, we believe that the quality of our products will make you satisfied.
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