1, the bridge through the building deformation and straight line section more than 30m, set the compensation device, the bridge gap at both ends of the soft copper conductor cross, and leave telescopic margin. For vibration sites, spring loops shall be installed at the connections to the ground.
2, if the design requirements of the bridge as part of the ground line, then comply with the requirements of the cable bridge installation specifications, the joint resistance shall not be greater than 0.00033. If the bridge connecting plate does not meet this requirement, even the galvanized bridge, also meet the requirements of the design of soft copper wire jumper.
Cable network 3, shielding electrical interference or external protection (such as: a corrosive liquid Hugh, flammable dust and other environmental effects) requirements, should choose (FB) type groove type composite type anti-corrosion shielding cable tray (with cover)
4, strong corrosive environment should adopt (F) composite epoxy resin anti-corrosion flame retardant cable tray. The bracket will choose the same material, improve the service life of the bridge and annex, cable tray. Cover panels in easy ash and other environment or outdoor areas that need to be covered.
5, in addition to the above circumstances, according to the site environment and technical requirements, choose pallet, trough, step type, glass anti-corrosion flame retardant cable bridge or steel ordinary type bridge. Cover panels in easy ash and other environment or outdoor areas that need to be covered.
6、在公共通道或户外跨越道路段,底层梯级的底部宜加垫板或在该段使用托盘 。大跨距跨越公共通道时,可根据用户要求提高桥架的载荷能力或选用行架。
6, in public or outdoor crossing the road section, the bottom of the bottom of the ladder should be added to the plate or in the use of pallets. When large span spans the public channel, the load capacity of the bridge or the frame can be improved according to the requirements of the users.
本文的精彩内容来自济南电缆桥架详细内容请点击我们的网站: http://www.sdhangfeng.com/谢谢您的到来!
The exciting content of this article comes from the Ji'nan cable tray. Please click on our official website: http://www.sdhangfeng.com/, thank you for coming!
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