In the process of power installation and construction, the equipment in the electric room is often connected by cable bridge, which is convenient for construction and can ensure the connection reliability and power safety. However, there are many specifications and types of cable trays. How to choose the appropriate cable tray.
一、 电缆桥架的型式及品种
1、 Type and variety of cable tray
1、 需要屏蔽电气干扰或要求有外部防护时,应该选用槽式复合型防腐屏蔽电缆桥架。
1. When it is necessary to shield electrical interference or external protection is required, grooved composite anti-corrosion shielded cable tray shall be selected.

2、 强腐蚀性环境要采用复合环氧树脂防腐阻燃型电缆桥架。托臂、支架也要选用同样材料。
2. Composite epoxy resin anti-corrosion and flame retardant cable tray shall be used in highly corrosive environment. The same materials shall be used for supporting arm and support.
3、 在公共通道或户外跨越道路段,底层梯级底部可以加垫板或使用托盘。大垮距跨越通道时,可以根据用户要求提高桥架荷载能力,或使用行架。
3. In the public passage or outdoor crossing road section, the base plate or pallet can be added at the bottom of the bottom step. When crossing the channel with large collapse distance, the load capacity of the bridge can be improved according to the user's requirements, or the traveling frame can be used.
4、 大跨距要用复合型桥架。
4. Composite bridge shall be used for large span.
5、 户外尽量使用复合环氧树脂桥架。
5. Composite epoxy resin bridge shall be used outdoors as far as possible.
二、 电缆桥架规格
2、 Cable tray specification
1、 电缆桥架的电缆真充率要符合相关标准,动力电缆可取40~50%,控制电缆可取50~70%,另外需预留10~25%的发展余量。
1. The true charging rate of the cable tray shall meet the relevant standards, 40 ~ 50% for the power cable and 50 ~ 70% for the control cable. In addition, 10 ~ 25% of the development allowance shall be reserved.
2、 弯通及附件规格要符合工程布置条件要和桥架相配套。
2. The specifications of bends and accessories shall meet the engineering layout conditions and be matched with the bridge.
3、 支、吊架规格的选择,应按桥架的规格、层数、跨距等配置。
3. The specifications of supports and hangers shall be selected according to the specifications, layers and spans of the bridge.
三、 电缆桥架的支、吊架的配置
3、 Configuration of supports and hangers of cable tray
1、 户内支、吊短跨距一般采取1.5~3m,户外立柱跨距一般采取6m。
1. The short span of indoor support and crane is generally 1.5 ~ 3M, and the span of outdoor column is generally 6m.
2、 非直线段的支、吊架要遵循以下原则,当桥架宽度<300mm时,在非直线段与直线结合处设置一个支、吊架。当宽度>300mm时,还要在非直线中部增设一个支、吊架。
2. The supports and hangers of non-linear section shall follow the following principles. When the bridge width is less than 300mm, one support and hanger shall be set at the junction of non-linear section and straight line. When the width is > 300mm, a support and hanger shall be added in the middle of the non-linear.
3、 拉挤玻璃钢电缆桥架多层设置时,层间距为200、250、350mm。
3. When the pultruded FRP cable tray is set in multiple layers, the center distance between layers is 200, 250 and 350mm.
4、 桥架直线段每隔50m应予留伸缩缝20~30mm。
4. 20 ~ 30mm expansion joints shall be reserved every 50m in the straight section of the bridge.
四、 防火接地
4、 Fireproof grounding
1、 桥架要有一定的防火、阻燃能力,部分地区还要求采用钢制或不燃材料。
1. The bridge shall have certain fire prevention and flame retardant capacity, and steel or non combustible materials are required in some areas.
2、 金属桥架要具有可靠的接地连接。
2. The metal bridge shall have reliable grounding connection.
3、 沿桥架全长另敷设接地干线时,每段桥架少要有一个点与接地干线可靠连接。
3. When another grounding main line is laid along the whole length of the bridge, at least one point of each bridge shall be reliably connected with the grounding main line.
4、 对于振动场所,在接地部位的连接处应装置弹簧圈。
4. For vibration places, spring coils shall be installed at the connection of grounding parts.
This article is provided by Shandong cable bridge. Our website is: http://www.sdhangfeng.com We will serve you with wholehearted enthusiasm. Welcome to visit!
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